Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thinking about why I'm "Green" makes me blue.

This was my reply to a forum entry by a sociology student who wanted to know people's motivations and feelings on being "Green":

Even when I was very young, I always had a strong connection to the natural world and tried to tread lightly. Now that I have a son being a responsible steward of the Earth has taken on a whole new importance to me. I want to make sure that the planet and the future we pass along is a good one... not a wasteland created by our selfishness and greed.

There are times I look at American society as a whole, with our massive SUVs and McMansions and feel dispair at what seems like the hopeless task of getting people here to see the bigger picture and act accordingly. It feels like our government has sold us out, and industry and corporations have free reign to plunder our resources, pollute and contaminate our world, and manipulate and corrupt even the smallest building blocks of life for their own profit.

Even though I know there ARE people out there trying to pursue a more environmentally responsible way of living... I wonder if there are enough of us. Can we can do enough to turn the tide?

The saddest part is that there is one simple mantra every resident of the planet should know and live by: "Reduce. Reuse. Recycle." It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that, but most people aren't willing to analyse their actions on even such a basic level.

I see glimmers of hope sometimes... mostly from today's kids. Many kids really seem to understand the issues facing our world, and commit more passionately to solving them than their parents.

We all need to stop being so greedy and stubborn and start to consider what sort of world we are passing on to future generations.

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